Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Evaluation of Final Product

What was the purpose of replicating a music video?
The purpose of replicating a music video was to learn skills of how music videos are made and also conventions of this media text. We developed a deeper meaning of how music videos are created and we actually found out how hard and time consuming creating and editing a music video actually is.
How successful do you feel you were at replicating this music video?
With the amount of shots that were in Robyn's video i think we replicated the video pretty successfully with the use of props, costumes and location(maybe). The only difficulty that i think we had was probably making some of the props for example with one of the props that looks a bit like gemstones put together. I think that the props were the hardest thing to make because we had to spend a lot of time on them but it's good that we did because the props really good in our video. We managed to improvise with that prop although it doesn't look exactly like the one used in the video. There are definitely some things that we could have improved on, for example the camera was shaky so we know next time we will make it better. Also some of the things are not in sync but we that is one of the mistakes we will amend next time. Overall i think we managed to pull it off but we know that next time we will do a better job. 
What changes would you make to your: organisation, editing, filming?
Organisation wise i think that next time our timing and communication will be much better than it was. Also finding a place for us to film was quite hard sometimes but i worked out in the end. We used a school camera to film so there were some moments where we got annoyed because the camera had it's moments where the battery would be low, then we'd charge it and the same thing would happen again. We would also make sure that the camera isn't shaky and just spend more time on the music video than we actually did.

How does your chosen music video adhere to the conventions of a music video? (You will be able to answer this question in more dept next year, when we have some work on analysing music videos) for now, use the information on this slide share to help you.We used camera movements, angles,editing to make sure our music video adheres to the conventions of a music video. Camera movements are an important thing in music videos because it's all about the artist in the music videos and we wanted to show that in our video. We wanted to make it all about the artist.

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